Monday, 12 January 2015

Tabletop Season 3 Backer Wall / Wall of Names

Tabletop Wall of Names / Tabletop Backer Wall

Wall of Names as Google spreadsheet

Wall of Names published to web

The Backer Wall was created in 2014 before the start of filming of the third season of Tabletop. As far as I know no names have been added to the wall since then.

Every name on the wall is accounted for in this spreadsheet. If your name (or some form of it) does not appear in the spreadsheet then I believe that it does not appear on the wall. By my estimates there were 7,237 backers with this perk. There are 6,771 names on the wall; less than that when you remove duplications. Thus, there could be 400+ names missing from the wall.

This spreadsheet was created using a list of names provided to me by the Tabletop Indiegogo campaign team. I then used a form to go brick by brick, reading the name and selecting the matching entry from the list.

You can also look for your name at the Tabletop Backer Wall Wiki. Created by Nate Sauber and worked on by him and a few others (anonymously, so I can't provide names). They worked on this without the campaign's list of names, reading the names from the wall and recording them in the wiki. That is a lot harder than what I did and deserves some special credit.

The location of your name on the wall (row, brick, sequence) is shaded so that the numbers cannot be read without clicking on the cell. This was done so that you can use the list to confirm if your name is on the wall, or just to get a hint and reduce the amount of searching you would otherwise have to do.

There were some duplications in the list. There were also some duplications on the wall that were not due to duplication in the list.

There were some names in the list that did not appear on the wall. There were some names on the wall that did not appear in the list.

Some names were truncated when written on the wall.

There appears to have been a problem when creating the list and names with characters outside of the ANSI set contained errors. These names contained two-byte characters which were converted into two one-byte characters. (For example, Björn became Björn.) These may have been written on the wall as they appeared in the list or changed slightly but I don't think these were ever written correctly.